Ya boy is in Würzburg!

It is my second day here and I’m honestly not even jet lagged. I mean sure I slept until 2 PM but that’s just because I haven’t slept much these past couple of days.  I’ve been staying with my friend Carina, who was an exchange student at my high school my juinor year, and her family. They have been so great and I feel like apart of the family. Honestly I’ve been surprised with how much German I’ve been hearing. I know that sounds super dumb but I keep thinking I’m gonna get a break. So far I haven’t got lost and I was able to buy a dress shirt and tie at H&M so I think I’m doing ok with it.  Carina would probably say differently though.

I’ve been living all of my tourist dreams today. Carina and I took a bus to downtown and I can’t get over the fact that I want to live in every building I’ve seen. It’s funny because Carina will say things like “That’s not even pretty” or “ There are better things to see” and it’s interesting to see the contrast because she is used to everything here. That’s exactly how I was when she was in Salt Lake City. Also side note: I feel like I’m writing a missionary email right now. Anyway I’ll post some pics and write a bit about them.

Here is a pic of Carina and I when I first arrived. She is still glowing.

Carina has a pet magpie named Winnetou. We became instant friends and he was kind enough to not poop on me.

Here are two pictures from the Augustinerkirche. This is one of the places Carina said wasn’t that impressive. I was still impressed.

Here is a picture outside of the library and Marienkapelle. 

Carina and I enjoyed some ice cream outside the Würzburger Dom (St. Kilians) before going in, where we saw...

For some reason this website isn’t showing the last couple of pictures I wanted to post when I try to add them in but oh well.

It has been a great day admiring beautiful architecture and hanging out with Carina. If you made it this far I applaud you! I’m not sure I’m going to keep posting like this because I’m probably going to keep it weekly (I might as well be a missionary) but I feel so lucky to be here and experience it all. Pictures really don’t do it justice. 


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