I’m so sorry to keep all of you waiting!

Two Monday’s ago I took a bus a half hour south of Vienna to the Laxenburg Schloss. Enjoy a picture or two. There was also a church

Next up are some pictures from the national library that I visited on Tuesday.

With my class afterwards we visited some churches and worked on describing them in German. I would include pictures but if you’ve seen one it’s kind of like you’ve seen them all. Not actually but kind of. 

Friday was  a very eventful day. For my class we went to the art history museum and it was beautiful. I’m more about performing arts but I was very intrigued by the exhibits they had. They had Egyptian, Greek, and Roman artifacts, renaissance paintings, and plenty more, which I didn’t have time to see. I think this was the most beautiful building out of every one I’ve been in.

That night was Lange Nacht der Kirchen or long night of the churches.  We attended organ concerts and choirs at a variety of different churches in town. It went until midnight all throughout town. 

Saturday I went with Derek and Erin to go swim in the Donau. Afterwards we went to a play at the Hofburgtheater called der Besuch der alten Dame. 

And then Sunday I went to my host father’s niece’s confirmation. To end the occasion they played Star Wars on the organ, which I put a video of on Instagram. Afterwards we went to my host dads sisters house and had a BBQ. I heard lots of jokes about having a traditional American thing in Austria and that their burgers aren’t as big. A lot of the parents and some of the kids and I all ended up jumping in the pool together with all of our clothes on too and I wouldn’t regret it except for the fact that I got sick afterwards. 

Well I’m gonna wrap that week up and you can hear about my trip to Salzburg and Innsbruck come Sunday! Stay tuned!


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